Budleabo Fund

Our Scholarships

BLMF scholarships are available to support education and help individuals attend special workshops and trainings, such as Harmony College Northwest, Harmony University, BHS’s Judge Qualification School, Directors’ College, leadership trainings, and more.   

If you would like to apply for one of the tuition scholarships, read the information on this webpage, and download the scholarship application.


How to Apply for a BLMF Scholarship

  1. Download the Scholarship Application.
  2. Complete all required entries in the form. Completing supplemental entries can also provide the BLMF Trustees with supporting information to enable quicker, more informed decisions. Applicant qualifications apply and are described below.
  3. Submit the completed form, any supporting documents, and any requested follow-up by email to the trustees. Due dates apply; applications received after their due date may be rejected without review.
  4. The BLMF Trustees will review the application and may request clarification or additional information if needed to make an informed decision. Once a decision has been reached, you will be notified of the outcome.  BLMF Trustees may provide feedback for rejected applications to support re-application where appropriate.

Scholarship Qualifications

  1. All students requesting scholarships must be either:
    1. Current paid Evergreen District BHS members over 18 years, OR
    2. A music educator from within the geography of the Evergreen District sponsored by current paid Evergreen District BHS members over 18 years old or chapters within the Evergreen District.
  2. Scholarships must apply toward attendance of one of the following Evergreen District and BHS sponsored events:
    1. Harmony College Northwest
    2. BHS Harmony University
    3. BHS Directors’ College
    4. BHS Judge Candidate School
    5. Other… (please explain)
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